Answers for AWS
2024 Results are LIVE!

2024 Results are LIVE!

Published 2024-02-29
by Peter Sankauskas

Thanks to the amazing AWS community, the results are in for the second annual Answers for AWS survey. This is the first time we start to see trends from year to year, and some of the results are fascinating.

Let's start with the winners:

Other notable highlights include:

  • Usage of AWS SAM has overtaken the original Serverless Framework in the Serverless category, but for the second year running CDK has the highest retention of all tools.
  • The most polarizing service is CloudFormation - 30% would not use it ever again, while 56% would.
  • Europe topped the charts beating out North America for number of survey responses - thank you!

Thank you to everyone who participated! If you'd like to help with the analysis, please reach out on Twitter/X or LinkedIn.

The 2025 survey will open in January so if you'd like to have your voice heard, please sign up to be notified.