#1 FoxyProxy

Episode #1 - 7 minutes - Wednesday 09/25/2013
Using lynx to browse the Hadoop web interfaces on an Elastic MapReduce cluster is cumbersome at best. These web interfaces were built for modern browsers, so this episode will teach you how to install and set up FoxyProxy to view EMR web interfaces directly in your web browser. You will also see this works with Ganglia, and with HBase.

Show Notes

Create a new SOCKS v5 proxy

Host: localhost
Port: 8157

URL Patterns

| Pattern Name    | URL pattern           |
| --------------- | --------------------- |
| subnet          | *://10*               |
| localhost       | *://localhost*        |
| EC2 external    | *ec2*.amazonaws.com*  |
| EC2 internal    | *.ec2.internal*       |

If you are using HBase and want to see the region servers, and one more URL pattern:

| Pattern Name      | URL pattern           |
| ----------------- | --------------------- |
| Compute internal  | *compute.internal*    |

SSH options

ssh -o DynamicForward=8157 hadoop@ec2...


Wednesday 09/25/2013 at 12:21pm | Peter Sankauskas
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