I have release a few AMIs for some of the NetflixOSS projects. Right now, there are AMIs for Asgard and Eureka in the three US regions. If you need the AMI in another region, please let us know.
The Asgard AMI is called asgard-1.2-awsanswers-ubuntu-12.04-amd64-ebs-20130716-2158
. Underneath, it is the x86_64 (amd64) version of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 'precise'. Here are the AMIs:
There are a few instructions to follow during the launch wizard, mostly for the security group.
The Eureka AMI is called eureka-1.1.98-awsanswers-ubuntu-12.04-amd64-ebs-20130716-2243
. The OS is also Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 'precise'. AMI list:
After following the launch instructions, you will be up an running within 5 minutes.
All of these AMIs are build using the NetflixOSS Ansible Playbooks. Ansible makes it very easy to build and configure servers, whether they are running instances, or building AMIs.
This is just the beginning. There will be more NetflixOSS AMIs coming out soon. If there is one in particular you would like to see, or you have feedback, please Contact Us.