Updates to open source code

New and Improved

In the lead up to AWS re:invent 2013, our open source projects have received a few updates, so I thought it best to summarize them.

NetflixOSS Anisble Playbooks

  • There are now CloudFormation templates for more projects to make it as easy as possible to get started.
  • Aminator has been updated to version 2.0.174, which means it supports Aminator Plugins. The Ansible provisioner now actually works.
  • Asgard is now at version 1.3.1, so the playbook has been updated, and there are new AMIs and an updated CloudFormation template.
  • The Genie playbook has been released. This is designed to run on the master node of an EMR cluster.
  • Eureka has been updated to 1.1.121, so again there are new AMIs and updated CloudFormation templates.
  • All playbooks have been updated to work with Ansible 1.3.4 as well. This means using the only the Jinja2 style of variables and no more dollar variables.
  • New Foundation AMIs for use with Aminator. These Foundation AMIs use ext4 instead of XFS because of the UUID issue when building multiple AMIs at the same time.


  • Now has the ability to copy AMIs to other regions without making them public.
  • Can share an AMI with a set of AWS Account IDs.
  • Reduced set of dependencies (now just needs boto).

Backup Monkey

  • Removed dependencies on Nose for installation, since it is only used for development/testing.
  • Removed distribute_setup as it has been deprecated.

Graffiti Monkey

  • Same as Backup Monkey: Removed dependencies on nose and distribute.

While Graffiti Monkey is already useful, particularly when used with Cost Allocation Tagging, there are still many more features to be added to it.

As always, please let us know any feedback you have. Thanks.

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