NetflixOSS Resources

Netflix have launched an initiative called NetflixOSS to open source a lot of their internal tools for others to use. Answers for AWS has made some of these projects easier to use by focusing on automation.

CloudFormation templates

By far the easiest way to get started is by using our NetflixOSS CloudFormation templates. These templates automate the process of creating security groups, IAM roles, AutoScaling Groups and instances. They are also a single place to delete and clean up everything that is created as well.

You can find more information here:


If you already have an automation process in place, perhaps pre-baked AMIs make more sense to you. Here is a list of the latest NetflixOSS AMIs you can launch or use for your projects. They are ready to go.

AWS Marketplace

Two NetflixOSS projects are also available from the AWS Marketplace:


And for support, there is the Asgard Google Group.


And for support, there is the Edda Google Group.

Ansible Playbooks

At the lowest level, our NetflixOSS Ansible Playbooks detail each individual step that is performed to bring up Asgard, Edda, Chaos Monkey and the other projects. These Ansible playbooks are used to build the above AMIs, and can be used with either Aminator or Packer.

Ansible Provisioner for Aminator

The Ansible Provisioner for Aminator allows you to run an Ansible playbook to build a custom AMI. Some examples of how to structure your playbooks can be found in the NetflixOSS Ansible Playbooks project.