Instructions for NetflixOSS Asgard

Launching from the AWS Marketplace

Once you have launched Asgard from the AWS Marketplace, there are a few extra steps required to get it working.

The first is security. Because Asgard can perform a lot of actions on your AWS account, you want to limit access to it. At the very least, you want to limit it to a specific IP address, which is what we will do here:

Login to the AWS Web Console, and locate the NetflixOSS Asgard-1-3-AutogenByAWSMP- security group on the EC2 page.

Add a new rule to the security group with your IP address:

Create a new rule:  HTTP

This is the bare minimum you want to do. Ideally, you would add password protection and run this only over HTTPS.

Now you are ready to access it via the instance's public DNS:

You'll notice it is asking for AWS credentials. In the AWS Web Console, go to the IAM page, and create a new user called Asgard with the power user permissions. Copy and paste the credentials into the Asgard page, and after a few minutes, Asgard will be ready.